‘Uncaging our World’ took place in Oxford from the 19-28 July 2024. Co-hosted with
Oxfordshire Youth & Oxford City Council, Oxford-Ramallah Friendship Association (ORFA),
Oxford University, Pegasus Theatre, the Old Fire Station, OVADA and International partners - Ashtar Theatre, Ramallah & CREARC, Grenoble.
The 7-day International Festival focused on Environmental sustainability and Climate Change including the effects of war and conflict in greatly contributing to the Climate Crisis having been co-planned and delivered with young people in Mandala Youth Voice group, was a resounding success.
Mandala Youth Voice group (12 young people) met up a number of times between January and July 2024, to plan the International Youth Theatre Festival with staff.
During the Festival week itself, Mandala Youth Voice group were there to greet the International groups, read poems they had written he Welcome Event and generally help deliver the Festival alongside staff. They ran the Sport social event, helped to prepare a clear spaces, lead workshop groups at the Symposium and demonstrated their ownership and commitment to ensuring the International Festival was a huge success.