Young actors from Oxford are waiting to hear if they will be awarded last-minute funding to allow them to perform a new play in twin city Grenoble, France in July.
‘Lucifer and Miss Primrose’ was performed open-air in both Florence Park and Gloucester Green last week in front of huge audiences. Devised, written and directed by Yasmin Sidhwa, the play is a joint production between Mandala Young Company, Histoires 100 Fins and Crearc from Grenoble. The French company using fire and pyrotechnics to create exciting theatre.
Now the Anglo-French troupe has an agonising wait to see if there is enough funding to take the show to the Rencontre, an international young people’s theatre festival in Grenoble this summer run by Crearc (Centre for Creation, Research and Culture), a French organisation dedicated to promoting exchanges between young actors across Europe.
“We need around £4,000 to pay the young actors travel, accommodation and living costs if they are going to be able to go to the Crearc Festival and perform together again”, commented Sidhwa. “Longer term Mandala Young Company needs to find partners and support to continue its work providing access to performing to young people from diverse backgrounds from all over Oxford.”
Time is running out fast to find the funds as Mandala’s actors are due to leave for France in just six weeks time and perform in the Festival on 2nd July in front of an international audience.
“Mandala wants to hear from Oxford businesses and people interested in the development of young people in our city, so we can continue to provide life-changing opportunities to perform theatre in the future”, added Sidhwa.